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City of Airdrie releases 2024 report on growth metrics

Sept. 9, 2024 / For Immediate Release

AIRDRIE, ALBERTA – The City of Airdrie has released its 2024 report on land and real estate related growth metrics.

"Airdrie's population growth is driving non-residential activity, boosting job opportunities and fuelling investment in key projects,” says Mayor Peter Brown. “The Growth Report illustrates changing statistics and demographics throughout the community and helps us plan for the future of Airdrie."

As Airdrie approaches 100,000 residents, City Administration is focused on ensuring that civic investments meet growing needs. This year's report highlights population and land absorption projections, and includes real estate market summaries, building permit counts, and much more.

“The rise in both residential and non-residential construction activity, along with low vacancy rates across all asset classes, highlights the strong and steady demand from residents and businesses to locate in Airdrie,” says Sara Chamberlain, Team Lead of Economic Development, City of Airdrie.

A new and significant addition to this year’s report is a forecast of building permits by type in each Community Area Structure Plan. Also new this year is an update on Airdrie Transit and active transportation.

AIRDRIE’S GROWTH REPORT: TRACKING DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE compiles key metrics that guide understanding of Airdrie’s real estate landscape, offering information and data on the following areas:

• Population, employment and growth rates
• Inventory of housing stock by housing type
• Inventory of built non-residential space
• Inventory of available and developable residential and employment lands
• A projection of future land consumption
• An estimate of investment attracted to the city

Information in this report will be presented at the Real Estate Review occurring later this month, as well as the Airdrie Business Breakfast and Economic Update taking place in November. More information about these events will be released on the City of Airdrie website and on the Airdrie Economic Development LinkedIn page.

To view the report, visit AIRDRIE.CA/GROWTHREPORT.

Media contact:
Lindsay Pols
Marketing and Communications Advisor