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Census results and statistics

Information gathered through Airdrie's municipal census is used to assist departments in planning for the needs of our community and to attract new business opportunities.

Decisions regarding future transportation networks, the locations of schools, parks, utilities and fire protection facilities are based to a large extent on statistics on population growth collected in the municipal census. 

Census results

2024 85,805 6.39% 70% 2024 City of Airdrie Census results (pdf)
2023 80,649 14.29% 66% 2023 City of Airdrie Census results (pdf)
2020 - 2022 - - - Not completed due to COVID-19
2019 70,564 3.63% 73% 2019 City of Airdrie Census results (pdf)

2019 City of Airdrie population history (pdf)
2018 68,091 4.89% 73.63% 2018 City of Airdrie Census results (pdf) 
2017 64,922 4.98% 67.42% 2017 City of Airdrie Census results (pdf)
2016 61,842 5.37% 61.40% 2016 City of Airdrie Census results (pdf)

Provincial & federal data

Statistics Canada Census also provides data on the City of Airdrie.

View Airdrie Statistics Canada information 

Alberta Finance publishes weekly economic reviews which contain economic commentary and statistics on the overall economy, labour market, price indices, household sector and business sector in Alberta, economic indicators for that week.