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Airdrie's housing needs research

More than 2000 homes are needed to help residents achieve affordable housing options. Anyone can be impacted by the need for affordable housing however, individuals and families in renter households, those with disabilities, lone-parent households, seniors, and young persons are more commonly impacted.

City of Airdrie Housing Needs Assessment 2024 

The City’s 2024 Housing Need Assessment (HNA) is a planning document informed by data and research used to assist in identifying Airdrie’s current and future housing needs. This report highlights Airdrie’s current housing landscape, its challenges, and areas for potential improvement.

View the 2024 Housing Needs Assessment (PDF)

The importance of affordable housing solutions in Airdrie

Evidence-based case for secondary suites

Updating municipal policy and bylaw to allow more secondary suites is a key leaver for the City to rapidly and meaningfully address deepening housing supply challenges that can be accomplished at a relatively low cost to the City.

Secondary suites are the single most direct and fastest opportunity to bring an inherently lower cost housing options into Airdrie's market while making efficient use of existing residential properties. 

View the evidence-based case report on secondary suite allowance in Airdrie 

The importance of affordable housing

Affordable housing contributes to economic growth, workforce stability and community resilience.

  • When people spend less on housing, they have more disposable income to invest in other necessities, such as health care, education and quality food. This increased purchasing power is key to stimulating local economies and support small businesses.
  • Affordable housing also helps attract and retain a talented workforce. When affordable housing options are available in the community, it reduces commuting times and costs, making it easier for employees to work and contribute to their local economies. Local businesses can also benefit by ensuring that employees can afford to live in the communities they serve.

Affordable housing is vital for a thriving and inclusive community.

  • When individuals have stable housing, they are more likely to become invested in their neighbourhoods and engage in local activities, events and initiatives. They contribute to the social fabric of the community, fostering a sense of pride and collective responsibility.
  • Affordable housing also contributes to social cohesion and inclusion and breaks down economic barriers and fosters interactions among individuals from different income levels, backgrounds and cultures.

Affordable housing impacts individuals and families across various income levels and demographics.

  • For low-income families, affordable housing is crucial for meeting basic needs and preventing homelessness. This ensures that a significant portion of their income is not consumed by housing costs.
  • For moderate income families, rising housing costs strain budgets and present challenges. Affordable market housing enables moderate income households to maintain financial stability and allows them to allocate resources to other essential expenses such as education, health care and retirement savings.
  • Young professionals and first-time homebuyers may have limited savings and face challenges in entering the housing market due to high home prices and interest rates. Affordable housing can help these individuals overcome financial barriers and achieve homeownership or find affordable rental options.
  • Seniors and retirees are also impacted by the availability of affordable housing as it allows them to maintain independence and ensure housing costs are manageable throughout retirement.