The Northeast Airdrie Community Area Structure Plan is located at the northeastern tip of the city, bisected by QEII. This area was designed to have a direct and positive impact on the social and economic vitality of the City of Airdrie and is comprised of approximately 431 gross acres.
It accounts for about 13 per cent of Airdrie’s jobs and is home to large commercial retailers including Real Canadian Superstore, Canadian Tire, Cam Clark Ford and more.
The Highland Park Industrial area is home to multinational companies including Costco Wholesale, ATCO and Transcanada Turbines, the City’s RCMP detachment, Airdrie’s Transit Operation Centre, two hotels and one private school.
Predominantly focused on non-residential uses, this area does contain direct-control areas, which accounted for approximately 214 units of purpose-built rental development contributing to an estimated current population in this CASP area of 352 people.
The Northeast Airdrie CASP is 57 per cent constructed with almost 47 per cent of the land vacant and either serviced and/or immediately serviceable.