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Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) appeals and presentations

The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) handles the appeals for the Municipal Planning Commission decisions or the approving authority regarding development permit or subdivision applications. Appeals are brought forward as public hearings. 

The SDAB is an independent quasi-judicial body that operates at arm's length from Council, Council committees, and the City of Airdrie's departments.  The Board has adopted Procedures and Guidelines for the appeal and hearing process.

Appealing a development or subdivision decision

Submit the completed Notice of Appeal (PDF) and the appeal fee by the appeal deadline. Submission instructions are on the notice of appeal form.

Your appeal is incomplete until you have paid the appeal fee. You may provide your credit card information to a clerk of the Board, by calling 403.948.8816, or pay in-person at City Hall.

Submit written information before the hearing

You may send the Board a written statement or evidence. Your written submission must include your address and it must state if you are in favour of or against the appeal. You may submit written evidence by:

mail 15 East Lake Hill NE, Airdrie, AB, T4A 2K3, or
hand delivery to the City Hall drop box.

Submissions provided after the set deadline may not be included in the Board's appeal evidence package. This may result in a hearing delay.

Presenting at an appeal hearing

You may make a presentation to the Board at an appeal hearing. To do so, please register by email  at or by phone at 403.948.8816.

You must provide your name and address in your presentation to the Board and state if you want to speak in favour of or against the appeal.

You must also bring 15 paper copies of presentation materials, including digital materials, to the hearing. If you do not, the hearing process may be delayed. In addition to paper copies, you may e-mail the clerk a PowerPoint presentation. USBs are not accepted.

The following resources may be helpful in your appeal 

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
The personal information included on the Notice of Appeal form, and in any submissions, is collected for the purpose of administering the appeal process and becomes a public document. This personal information is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions concerning the collection of this information can be directed to the FOIP Coordinator at 403.948.8816 or by e-mail to