Transit tickets, passes and cash fares for all routes including ICE trips to Calgary and Hello To Go. Discounted books of tickets and monthly passes can be purchased with your AFA card at City Hall or Genesis Place.
ACCESS Airdrie services – A shared ride, curb-to-curb, paratransit service for eligible residents that are unable to use fixed route services. Learn more about the ACCESS Airdrie Program and eligibility guidelines.
Tickets to the Presented Series, Family Series, Cabaret Series (applies to all price codes. GST and fees apply on all ticket purchases, regardless of subsidy). Not eligible: Tickets to third/external party community events and rental bookings or facility rentals.
Registration for all performing arts classes and summer day camps offered at the Bert Church Theatre (early and late childcare is available through Genesis Place with Airdrie Fair Access).
Note: To register for Bert Church Live Theatre Programs or to purchase subsidized tickets to Presented or Cabaret Series shows, please contact the following:
Genesis Place drop-in, 10x, monthly, or annual passes and administration fees.
Genesis Place aquatics and certification programs including: swimming lessons, Standard First Aid & CPR courses, babysitting courses, all Lifeguard certification programs (Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross and NLS), WSI Skills Evaluation, WSI Classroom. Not eligible: Private lessons, WSI Online program
Genesis Place children and youth programs including: registered programs, day camps and early and late childcare for day camps. Not eligible: Regular drop-in or monthly childcare and Kids Connection Preschool
Genesis Place adult fitness & wellness programs: registered programs, ACE Maintenance Program, PWR! Moves (Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery). Not eligible: Personal training
Note: AFA discounts can only be applied in person or over the phone. We ask that you do not register online. Please register at a Genesis Place Customer Service desk or by calling 403.948.8804 ext. 5550.