Requests for proclamations and City Hall illumination
Organizations may only request one proclamation or City Hall illumination each calendar year.
Requests MUST MEET AT LEAST ONE of the following criteria to be considered for approval:
- the sponsoring agency be a charitable organization located or having a presence within the City;
- the cause be one of national significance and is brought forward and endorsed by a resident of the City;
- the cause benefits most Airdrie citizens;
- the social, cultural, or historical celebrations has significance to the City; or
- the cause is an initiative of the City of Airdrie.
Requests are NOT approved for:
- matters that are politically or religiously motivated or represent individual conviction;
- campaigns, events, or activities that are contrary to the City’s policies or bylaws;
- individuals, organizations, or events that espouse discrimination, hatred, violence, or racism;
- events or activities intended for profit-making purposes; or
- individuals, organizations, or events with no direct relationship or impact to the City.
Request process for proclamations and City Hall illumination
All requests must be recieved in writing by emailing three to four weeks before the date before the date the request needs to be approved.
Illumination requests must include:
- Name of requesting person or organization
- Information about the person, organization, or event that is the subject of the request
- A description of the request and how it satisfies the criteria for approval
- Date requested for City Hall illumination
Multiple day illuminations are not permitted. City Hall can only be illuminated for one request per day. Requests for City Hall illumination for a particular day are considered on a first come, first serve basis.
Proclamation requests must include:
- Name of requesting person or organization
- Information about the person, organization, or event that is the subject of the request, and a description of the request and how it satisfies the criteria for approval
- Draft wording for the proclamation
- Day, week or month requested for proclamation