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Community Builders Tree Grove

In beautiful Nose Creek Regional Park, there is an area dedicated to community building citizens of Airdrie. Those who have spent years volunteering and making an exceptional difference to our City. We honour them for their commitment and dedication by planting a tree and placing a plaque in their honour.

Description of an Airdrie Community Builder:

Council’s Community Builders’ recognition is a civic honour created to recognize in memoriam a person or group of people who meet the following criteria:

1. The person must have lived and volunteered within Airdrie and annexed area boundaries.

2. The person must have volunteered and contributed significantly to the Airdrie community in the following ways:

  • Through their exemplary action they have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to making our City a better place in which to live and enhancing the quality of life for Airdrie Citizens;
  • Being a leader in the community;
  • Contributed to leaving a lasting legacy in Airdrie; or
  • By serving on Council or one of its boards, committees or commissions for no less than 15 years

If you know someone that meets the requirements to be honoured in the tree grove, apply below.

Community Builders Application

Nomination information


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