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City publications and E-Newsletters

The City of Airdrie offers different publications and E-Newsletters designed to keep residents, businesses and visitors up-to-date with all the events, news and activities in Airdrie.

City of Airdrie E-News

We have evolved Airdrie Today into City of Airdrie E-News to provide residents with more comprehensive information on what's happening in the city. In this e-newsletter you can anticipate a wealth of information including important resident reminders, City Council updates, special event information, capital project updates and more, delivered straight to your inbox at the start of each month.

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Airdrie@Work business E-Newsletter

Airdrie@Work E-Newsletter provides news and information for the business community on events, programs and resources to help your business.

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City Connections advertising

The City Connection is a weekly newspaper ad with municipal information such as development notices, permits and fee changes as well as City initiatives and events. 

View current and past City ConnectioNS