Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is a partnership between the province, municipalities and Métis Settlements that develops locally driven preventive social initiatives to enhance the well-being of individuals, families and communities.
Airdrie participates in FCSS through its Airdrie FCSS initiative by offering grants and providing supports to local eligible social preventive programs.
You may also view ‘Agency Resources’ on the Airdrie FCSS Portal.
Funding is available for established not-for-profit organizations to provide evidence-based preventive social service programs and initiatives that promote and enhance well-being among children, youth, families, and communities. The focus for funding proposals is on FCSS Funding Priorities and prevention to provide support to Airdrie residents at the earliest opportunity.
Applicants must be eligible under the Family and Community Support Services Act and Regulation. Preference will be given to volunteer not-for-profit organizations registered under the Societies Act whose services are of a preventive nature, and that do one or more of the following:
FCSS Funding Priorities for this grant align with Social Well-Being in the following:
Grants cannot be used for:
Airdrie FCSS currently funds these programs for 2023-2025.
The 2023-2025 FCSS funding intake period closed on June 30, 2022.
The next FCSS funding intake will take place mid-year in 2025 for the funding cycle of 2026-2028.
The Letter of Intent (LOI) helps determine a program’s basic FCSS eligibility as set out by the FCSS Act and Regulation.
Once approved by Airdrie FCSS, the full Application (form) will be made accessible. Meeting the LOI eligibility criteria and being invited to submit an Application does not guarantee program funding.
All City of Airdrie FCSS applications are submitted electronically through the Airdrie FCSS Portal and late submissions will not be considered for funding.
The following process takes place during funding intake:
Find out more about the City’s past social initiatives through the Community Social Report.