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Access to public land

Does your home back onto a pathway, park or greenspace? Are you thinking of landscaping your yard and requiring access to a park, pathway or green space to do this work?

Follow this process before you begin work of any kind in and around parks, pathways or green spaces:

  1. Contact the Parks department and advise staff what your intentions are.
  2. Complete the application for public land form. There are no associated costs with this; it is for information only.
  3. A Parks crew leader will complete a pre-inspection by visiting the site and taking photos of the area before the project start date. This will ensure that the homeowner is not liable for the cost or responsibility of repairing existing damage, in the event there are any areas already in need of repair.
    Please note: We kindly ask residents to provide us with a minimum of one business day's notice to complete a pre-inspection.
  4. The crew leader will then complete a post-inspection, including photos of the requested access site as per the completion date noted on the application. If an extension is needed, contact the Parks department.
  5. If there is no new damage in the area, the process is complete. However, if there is noticeable damage to the area as a result of the landscaping project, these repairs will be at the homeowners' expense. The homeowner assumes this liability whether the work is done by themselves, any contractor or landscape designer.

Notifying the Parks department of these requests helps staff to plan and organize around scheduled maintenance and or planned projects in the parks and green spaces, and may minimize any potential conflict due to other work in the surrounding area.