We want your business to succeed in Airdrie and we are here to help.
Airdrie Economic Development works with the Airdrie business community to generate projects, activities and resources that will build the local economy. This includes working one-on-one with new and expanding businesses.
Join an Airdrie Business Association to stay up-to-date on local happenings in Airdrie.
Airdrie is serviced by a number of local institutions and firms to assist businesses.
Several not-for-profit organizations provide financing programs for businesses.
Entrepreneurs can access a number of resources to identify available funding.
A number of key business services are available in Airdrie including accounting, law, business advisory and real estate firms. You can find them in the Business Directory.
Whether you are looking for advice on your business plan or want help with your business and growth challenges, Airdrie has the support services businesses need to succeed.
A number of business planning tools and templates can be found online, including from the Business Link.
Business Link and Community Futures Centre West both offer business plan reviews and one-on-one advising to get the advice you need to make your business dreams a reality.
Airdrie Economic Development regularly profiles unique businesses, milestones and growth/investment in our newsletter, online and in airdrielife magazine. to share your business news.
Local media outlets
Airdrie's local media outlets are a key way to reach your local customers.
Airdrie Economic Development compiles and/or undertakes research to support investment attraction, business development and economic development.