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Policing Committee

The Policing Committee is responsible for:

• Overseeing the administration of the municipal police service agreement
• Representing the interests and concerns to the officer in charge to local RCMP leadership, and collaborating with the detachment to plan annual priorities and strategies for municipal policing and community safety
• Regularly reporting on the implementation of programs and services that support police priorities.

The Policing Committee is governed by the Policing Committee Bylaw.

Current Committee Volunteer Openings

• Current openings - 3 Citizen Member positions starting April 2025 for a three year term.

Apply Now

Gain a rewarding experience by volunteering on Council committee by taking part in the decision-making process, giving back to your community, and providing guidance to Council on local issues.

Policing Committee Meetings

The Policing Committee meets once per quarter on Wednesdays starting at 9: a.m. Meetings are open to the public via live stream or in person at City Hall.

Policing Committee Members

The Policing Committee is made up of three citizen members (voting) and two councillors (voting) that are appointed by Council. Two provincial members (voting) may also be appointed by the Province.

Each committee includes a chair position that is a citizen member elected by the committee for a three-year term. The vice chair position is a councillor that is appointment by Council for a two year term.

The Mayor is also an ex-officio non- voting member on the Policing Committee.